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Jesus at the Front Line of the Ukraine War

Jesus at the Front Line of the Ukraine War In the midst of adversity, the Good Call Ministry team took a trip just miles away from the front lines of the war in Ukraine. Why you ask? To extend a helping hand and bring sustenance to those who courageously serve and support the people of…

Extending a Helping Hand to the Victims of the Kherson Dam Collapse

Extending a Helping Hand to the Victims of the Kherson Dam Collapse There was a devastating dam collapse in Kherson where many people had to flee. Those who stayed behind have lost almost everything. The water damage has ravaged entire villages and the future of a stable water supply is uncertain. Through all this uncertainty…

Medical Supplies Need In Poltava

Medical Supplies Need In Poltava Throughout Ukraine, hospitals are short supplied on resources to serve patients. The Poltava region is where many refugee families have stopped as a safe place during the war and because of that hospitals have seen an increase in the need for care. God is working in a mighty way as…

Mobile Kitchen Serving Thousands of Refugees

Mobile Kitchen Serving Thousands of Refugees Every day, hundreds of refugees arrive from various parts of Ukraine seeking refuge, each with their own unique story of hardship and struggle. As followers of Jesus, we believe it is our calling to come alongside these men, women and children, to listen to them, to support them, and…

Verse of the Day

“[The Race of Faith] Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” — Hebrews 12:1 Listen to chapter . Powered by

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