“The KGB’s Most Wanted” is the captivating story of a young pastor named Joseph, who in a twist of fate lived a life mirroring his biblical predecessor. The book exposes the realities and truths of Soviet Oppression that was hid to the outside world behind the Iron Curtain of the 1960’s. Join readers around the world as they follow the story of Joseph, learning of what he faced during arrest, imprisonment, and loss of freedom for almost ten years in the merciless state of the communist driven society of the U.S.S.R. Inside the walls of the GULAG, Bondarenko faced near-starvation, beatings, torture and evil, seen and unseen, all because he boldly proclaimed the Gospel and refused to accept the ways of communism and the ways of the hammer and the sickle.
This book is available in: English, Russian Ukrainian and Dutch
Sarge (verified owner) –
This is the book we ALL need RIGHT NOW!!!!
Incredible. If you read just one book in the next 10 years, make sure it’s this one. I read it in 2 highly electrified sittings two days in a row. (Haven’t done that in forever). Every free person in any country remotely resembling a free society MUST read this book. Everyone else is living in the “other world” and can’t figure out why the rest of the world doesn’t really seem to care. Wondering about the Ukraine, the strange directions the world is going, this book… you have to read this book. This is the wake up call we all need. This is the REAL DEAL. Get it. Read it. Share it. Before it’s too late. For all of us. Wake up your faith, wake up your family, friends and co-workers. God Bless this incredible man and his completely magnificent family.
Kindle Customer (verified owner) –
This a gripping book of not compromising with evil, forgiveness and Gods grace
I had the privilege of meeting the author, his daughter and reading this gripping book. This book resonates today as evil continues its persecution, death and enslavement around the world. This is a must read if you care at all about todays situation and the intolerance of Christians here in the U.S. Bonderanko was imprisoned and tortured for a total of nine years three separate times. He was on the KGBS top 10 list. He eventually is freed and makes it back to where he was imprisoned and forgives those that tortured him. Its a powerful story of standing for truth, persecution, Gods grace and forgiveness.
Anthony and Umida Cappoferri (verified owner) –
Phenomenal. Should Be Required Reading for The Church in the 21st Century
Wow, what an incredible book! I stumbled upon Joseph Bondarenko and his story when Sean Feucht made a Facebook post with this incredible man of God and mentioned his book. I am a better believer and person for reading it. Truly this book should be required reading for anyone professing faith in Christ anywhere in the world as both a reminder for the things that believers are sometimes called to endure as well as a steadfast reminder that no matter the circumstances, God is and will forever be faithful. One of the best books I read this year and was such an encouragement. Highly recommended!
Linda K. Myers (verified owner) –
Overcomer! Hope in the dark times. Courageous family!
A generational family who displayed hope, courage to their Lord Jesus. They trained mentally and spiritually, from little kids to adults so that they’d be able to stand strong. This happened in our day!
Elan (verified owner) –
Incredible story of Faith in the midst of severe persecution.
Insightful look into the propaganda of the Communist/atheist government rule and the account of Jospeh life who was not allowed to believe in God because it did not fit the narrative of the gov’t control. His faith was the reason he served in prison, was beaten and suffered. If he would have denied his faith he would have been a free man. A sick system and a brave man who did not stand down. A must read!
online-trader (verified owner) –
Inspiring story of triumph over evil / easy page turner
Joseph’s story is compelling, sad, inspiring, and victorious. It’s an entertaining page turner that keeps the reader’s attention. Highly recommend this one.