Mobile Kitchen Serving Thousands of Refugees
Every day, hundreds of refugees arrive from various parts of Ukraine seeking refuge, each with their own unique story of hardship and struggle. As followers of Jesus, we believe it is our calling to come alongside these men, women and children, to listen to them, to support them, and to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
At the heart of our message is the love of God demonstrated in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. We want these refugees to know that no matter how difficult their situation, there is hope and healing available to them through a relationship with Jesus.
In addition to sharing the message of Christ, we also strive to meet the immediate needs of these refugees through our mobile kitchen. We provide hot meals, essential items, and Bibles to those in need.
Above all, we encourage these refugees to connect with a local church community and to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus. We believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit, they can find hope, healing, and new life in Christ.