Pray for Dnipro, Ukraine

Pray for Dnipro, Ukraine Join us in prayer for the families who are currently trapped in the rubble of a 9 story apartment building that was struck on January 14, 2023. Please also pray for those who have lost loved ones, that Jesus would be their hope and peace during this difficult time. Pray for…

Christmas in Ukraine

It’s Christmas time; the day we celebrate one of the greatest gifts humanity has ever received, Jesus: God’s only begotten Son! What a blessing it is to share this gift and to show others how deeply loved they are by the Savior of the world. This Christmas children and families gathered at church to celebrate…

What is Happening in Ukraine?

What is Happening in Ukraine?Episode 1 In this episode, Vera Bondarenko Chaplin and Mary Manzuk-Bondarenko talk about what it’s like on the ground in Ukraine. Winter is upon the people of Ukraine with little to no natural gas for heat and power outages throughout the cities…But HOPE is served each and every day with warm…

Celebrating National Kids Day Ukraine

Children’s Day In Ukraine

June 1st was Children’s Day in Ukraine. Our incredible volunteers prepared a big celebration for refugee kids from the war torn regions. We filled two vans full of nutritious fruits, vegetables, and health snacks that were given out along with the Love of Christ. Everyone was so happy and blessed. Thank you all who have…